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Messages - nomad bloodbath

Pages: 1 ... 244 245 [246] 247 248 ... 273
Silk Road discussion / Re: another question about time limits
« on: July 16, 2011, 09:18 pm »
I give vendors 2 days max to Pm or have product in transit, if not then I ask for a cancel, I dont have time to deal with people that arent taking this seriously.

The most evident troll vendor on the site.
I suggested that to SR if a vendor gets a rep/feedback 60 or below that his vending account be put onn hold and a review of his seller status.

As someone suggested in feedback. He could be just fishing for buyer info.
Very troubling.

Yes that too, steer away from this guy,
An jgnore vendor button would be nice. :D

Cubensis have always been my favorite but i grew up as a teenager picking them freshly in cow fields.
So fond memories.

Tracking is the only way to tell.

OGAWD that can only be from goldismoney. >.>

The most evident troll vendor on the site.
I suggested that to SR if a vendor gets a rep/feedback 60 or below that his vending account be put onn hold and a review of his seller status.

Yes there is definite demand for US shrooms, i've had many users asking me for them, most on the marketplace are EU only.

Product requests / Re: Ketamine Needed
« on: July 16, 2011, 07:10 pm »
next Saturday ill have enough to sedate a horse, litterly.
ill post link on here when its up!
Racemic Crystals I assume? :D

Rumor mill / Re: Aromatics - selling 10mg Fentanyl legit??
« on: July 16, 2011, 05:54 pm »
@btcfreedom - how many mg where you putting up the nose at once?

He was probably doing 10-30mg.
But I'll let btcfreedom relay his experience.


LoL sorry twolips,
I only asked because I like to:
1. Shoot Pharm Grade Liquid Ketamine
2. I like to make my own crystals

For the reasons I like to know my exact measurement of K when shooting and some ppl just cant make good crystals.

I realize yours could either:
a. come from a lab that makes Ketamine
b. max made somewhere you're not sure of and done in a number if fashions.
I have my own methods and fashions. :D

I am in no way what so ever putting down your Ketamine or any of your fine RC chemicals, In fact more than likely I'll get some 5meodmt and some 2c-b when I see it on the market and more than likely grab some of your Ketamine, depending on my current stash statsus. :D

Keep up the great vending twolips.@_@

Rumor mill / Re: ovdb
« on: July 16, 2011, 10:43 am »
Yes  just understand their trust levels for vendors.

Off topic / Re: problem on the forums
« on: July 16, 2011, 09:26 am »
ctrl + F5 fixes everything.
Updates all caches.
Sadly you have to do that on every page.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Welcome Back!
« on: July 16, 2011, 07:58 am »
Me too! :D

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