LoL sorry twolips,
I only asked because I like to:
1. Shoot Pharm Grade Liquid Ketamine
2. I like to make my own crystals
For the reasons I like to know my exact measurement of K when shooting and some ppl just cant make good crystals.
I realize yours could either:
a. come from a lab that makes Ketamine
b. max made somewhere you're not sure of and done in a number if fashions.
I have my own methods and fashions.
I am in no way what so ever putting down your Ketamine or any of your fine RC chemicals, In fact more than likely I'll get some 5meodmt and some 2c-b when I see it on the market and more than likely grab some of your Ketamine, depending on my current stash statsus.
Keep up the great vending twolips.@_@